The first step towards becoming a designer is to actually understand the deep font and the serious work behind the glam life; we prepare students by encouraging them and putting efforts to make them productive.

At Vidya Institute of fashion Technology, we provide a very beautiful, secure and stimulating environment where our plethora of students gain hands-on knowledge of all aspects of the fashion industry. Be it design or be it manu­facturing, be it the merchandising or be it basic marketing and retailing, we make sure that we are actively training the young creative brains in a stimulating environment where they can proliferate into their maximum potential.

Our diverse teaching pedagogy ranging from classroom teaching to practical laboratories and workshops, expanding to guest lectures, seminars, outdoor visits and apprentice training under leading names are held on and off the campus. All classes are taught in English and we accept students from all over the world. In addition to an intensive course of study, the students also enjoy visits to various fashion and arts events to gain the necessary preliminary exposure during the course. Imagine living on a campus that’s full of life. Experience a vibrant ambiance, great overall development and more importantly learn all aspects of the fashion & design. You design clothes, you design accessories, and you design your various art forms and create a collection, learn the who’s who of the industry, and showcase your collection on our annual platforms or become a part of our incubator.

Dr. Reema Varshney
The Director
